On to Neopology!
This blog has moved to www.neopologist.com.
"According to my thesaurus, an apologist is the opposite of a critic but that sounded a little too defensive. Neopologist, made me think of anthropology, the study of humankind and 'neo' made me think of the future (something I often find myself thinking about). Neopology seemed like a good name for the study of the future (latin pre-fix specialists need not correct the way I put that one together) and by 'the future' I am of course referring to consumer electronics and video games. Naturally." --Ahren
"According to my thesaurus, an apologist is the opposite of a critic but that sounded a little too defensive. Neopologist, made me think of anthropology, the study of humankind and 'neo' made me think of the future (something I often find myself thinking about). Neopology seemed like a good name for the study of the future (latin pre-fix specialists need not correct the way I put that one together) and by 'the future' I am of course referring to consumer electronics and video games. Naturally." --Ahren