Exoskeletal Rundown
This Week In Technology
Exoskeletons seem to be everywhere I turn these days.
Engadget has posted several stories in the last week about independently powered exoskeletons.
The first came a few days ago with a story about the ominously named Japanese corporation Cyberdyne's new HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) suit. The suit appears to be primarily geared towards heavy lifting. Cyberdyne claims the suit will increase a users strength by ten times. This is also one of the rare exoskeleton suits I've seen that use nerve impulse readers to operate, rather than a push/pull interface or joystick. The suit uses pads that read the biosignals generated for muscle movement and interprets them into the movements of the suit. The HAL suit will set a wearer back a cool $4200. Which, honestly, considering that this thing could allow someone to lift a car, single-handedly, is kinda affordable.
And just the other day was this post shows a device more geared toward assistive living, rather than enhancement. This particular product is from Honda is designed to help people walk. Let the video speak for itself:
And let's not forget the most famous exoskeletal suit of all:
Ripley's Power Loader from Aliens