CoolIris is Decidedly Cool
When you first start up CoolIris by clicking the little box next to your Search pane in your browser it launches in a channel of content called Discovery in which you can sift through the pre-picked results of what's going on on the Internet as assembled by the people at CoolIris. Meh.
Where CoolIris really gets interesting is when you go to a website that contains many images or even a Google Image search page and click on the CoolIris icon that appears in the lower left-hand corner of any picture on the page, it will load that page's image (and even video) content into the CoolIris browser and let you look through things by scrolling, dragging, zooming or even just hitting play and viewing the whole thing as a slide show.
CoolIris definitely needs to be tried and played with to see it's utility and/or novelty. While some users may find it to be a pointless skin getting in the way of the actual data they are looking for, others may find it a breath of fresh air in terms of usability and display-ability of content on the Internet.
Also this is one of the only instances I can remember where I was glad that I had the ability to scroll horizontally on my Apple Mighty Mouse, a veritably useless and notoriously under-utilized feature.
In addition to CoolIris, you may also want to check out Amazon's WindowShop, a similar idea with more utility but seemingly less "cool".
Also, just wanted to let you know that we have just released new content in our Discover feature in the Cooliris web client that includes full-length movies and TV episodes (courtesy of Hulu), edgier gossip in "Entertainment News," a finance focus in the "Business" channel, full-reel tech shows in "Sci-Tech," and more viral videos in "Around the Web." Check it out at, and get back to us with any feedback you have!
Warmest regards,
Jenny & The Cooliris Team